professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

Desde Hong Kong con amor, From Hong Kong with love

En estos últimos meses estamos muy contentos aquí en Luz Neutra, cada vez son son más las parejas de novios extranjeras que contactan con nosotros para que fotografiemos su visita a Sevilla. ¿Te gustaría saber más sobre cómo hacemos estos reportajes tan especiales?

Kinming y su encantadora esposa contactaron con nosotros a través de Whassap, después de ver nuestras fotos en un conocido directorio de fotógrafos de boda. Fue una charla rápida, apenas unos mensajes, pero nos pusimos de acuerdo enseguida. Ellos buscaban unas fotos de preboda en Sevilla, bonitas, alegres, donde se vieran bien los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad, los que soñaban con visitar desde su ciudad de origen, Hong Kong.

Kinming and his lovely wife contacted us through Whassap, after seeing our photos in a well-known directory of wedding photographers. It was a quick chat, just a few messages, but we agreed right away. They were looking for pre-wedding photos in Seville, beautiful, cheerful, where the most emblematic places of the city were well displayed, those who dreamed of visiting from their hometown, Hong Kong.


professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville


No vamos a decir nada nuevo sobre hacer fotos en Sevilla, la luz es especial aquí, y nuestros clientes extranjeros valoran mucho la ciudad, pero no solo eso. Nos encargamos de todo, literalmente. Les recogemos en el hotel, les acompañamos, les damos consejos sobre dónde comer y las mejores horas para evitar aglomeraciones de turistas, comida local… No es solo sobre fotografía, es orgullo por nuestra ciudad y sus visitantes.

We’re not going to say anything new about taking photos in Seville, the light is special here, and our foreign clients value the city very much, but not only that. We take care of everything, literally. We pick them up at the hotel, accompany them, give them advice on where to eat in Seville and the best times to avoid crowds of tourists, local food… It’s not just about photography, it’s pride for our city and its visitors.

Nos hemos dicidido a crear una sección nueva en nuestra web para crear vínculos mejores con nuestros clientes de fuera de España, puedes echarle un vistazo aquí

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

Nos encanta conocer a personas de otras culturas, conocer otras formas de pensar, y sobre todo nos gusta poder hacer que nuestras fotos sean un recuerdo inolvidable de su visita a Sevilla, que se lleven un trocito de nuestra ciudad a su país, que las disfruten en familia. Sin pensarlo, estamos siendo parte del futuro de unos chicos que viven a miles de kilómetros de distancia. Es emocionante sin duda.

We love to meet people from other cultures, to know other ways of thinking, and above all we like to make our photos are an unforgettable memory of your visit to Seville, take a piece of our city to your country thanks to our images, to enjoy them with your family. Without thinking about it, we are being part of the future of children who live thousands of miles away. It’s certainly exciting for us.

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

We are truly enjoy the half day spent with Francesco and Luz Neutra Photographers. This is an amazing pre-wedding experience for us. They are very professional & passionate with photo taking. From photo tour planning, arrangement, style and venue selection, Francisco go through every single one in details. They are very familiar with all good photo taking points in Seville and expert to explore surprise for us. They are excellent photograhers who even complete with each other to try to give the best pictures for us. The photos were sent back to me in 2 days with colour & B&W. They are very reliable and very good price as well. Finally I would also like to thanks for their hospitality for buying me local tapas and beer. They give me a perfect pre-wedding photo experience in Seville and definitely the best choice.

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel Pictures of Plaza de España Alcazar of Seville

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel

professional photographer in Seville, best images of your visit to Seville, photographer for your travel



Contacta con nosotros si quieres que tu visita a Sevilla sea inolvidable, y llevarte las mejores fotos hechas por un profesional.


Contact us if you want your visit to Seville to be unforgettable, and take the best photos taken by a professional.